
Dietrich Institute

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What's Included

  • Relationship Mastery 365 online course: 12 weeks program, 22 workbooks and exercise – VALUE $3,800
  • Group coaching session : One hour per month – VALUE $6,75
  • Limited time only for the first 20 customers: Receive one hour of 1-on-1 coaching with two dietrich every two weeks for the first 3 months. – VALUE $3,900
  • Full access to the FB Community PageVALUE $7,50
  • Welcome Gift package –  VALUE $150
  • Monday- Friday Access to email support (allow up to 24h to respond) – VALUE $125
  • Be the first to know about our upcoming “Exclusive Membership”, receive one year free membership -VALUE $99
  • Receive a 20% discount, on future 1-on-1 coaching packages –VALUE up to $1,300

Total Value $10,799 For Just
$3,800 one-time
or $349/wk (12 weeks total)

Lilia Sanchez

Tribe! I bought my first home a week ago in Austin. I will be house hacking this home to live for free and invest my money in more Real Estate. Buying this home means the signature to my commitment to become a Real Estate Investor and start my dream of creating a legacy within Real Estate.

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